
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vietnam War & Tunnels - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (vietnam war tunnels) Best Shopping Sites

A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by TravelPod blogger Hilaryramsey. See this TripWow and more at tripwow.tripadvisor.com Vietnam War & Tunnels “After today I want to go & buy Vietnam war movies and watch them after finding out more about the war here that happened in the 70′s. We Grabbed a bakery item down the road for breakfast as we caught the 8am bus to visit the Cu Chi war tunnels. It was 70km and takes 2hrs to get there. The guide on the bus told us that the Cu Chi people were on the side of the North Vietnmese and the Americans were based in Saigon very close by. The Cu Chi built 220km of tunnels built 3, 6 and 10m underground. On the area above the ground above the tunnels they put landmines and bamboo and metal spiked booby traps. They told us how they successfully manages to live underground. At the Firing range we got to choose a weapon to fire & Nath wanted the M16. The sound of many guns ( AK 47′s & machine guns) was actually painful to your ears.We then shot 10 rounds which cost US. Then it was time for the tunnels and Nath and I fought our fear of claustraphobia. The tunnels we got to go down in were widened for Westerners and were no where near as small as the ones the Cu Chi people lived in. We let everybody else go first so that we had a clear path of escape if we started to panic!!!! We only did the 20 metre section ( the shortest) rather than the 100metres!! We got back to HCMC at 1:30pm and grabbed a couple
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City, href=http//dubli.com/7951543>Best, Minh, SHOPPING, sites, Tunnels, Vietnam

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