
Thursday, February 17, 2011

k2 JWH-018

i urge for there to be labels and guidelines for this it needs to be dilluted further and balanced,,,,,mass legalize marijuana dems and repubs are polar opposites think about it and what i have said always!besides every one can do math marijuana packaged by a company owned by the goverment growers aloowed with a liscence and shops allowed to sell what they grow with requirments and yearly liscence and tax,,,,,,,,can u say trillions???????;) take the money flip it back into itself take mass MASS PROFIT BOTH SIDES INVEST IN MASSIVE SOLAR PANELS OUT IN THE DESERT thw whole but we cant afford fuck that if u can eat at night ur fine its kinda a global emergency there is a reason prophecy exists to show us a possible future,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, guess what?ive been doing this for millenia!so repubs are secret keepers of thier world and the dems?yep although thier secrets come from the spirit world!!besides if we r manmade do u really want to be a slave?so the only other option is to jump aboard!its best not to wait till winter solstice 2012,,,,peep need to knoe myan calander is STILL ACCURATE TO THIS DAY!

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