
Monday, February 21, 2011

Goshin, Washington, DC

A few nice pot bonsai images I found:

Goshin, Washington, DC
pot bonsai

Image by Grufnik
A bonsai called Goshin, created by John Naka at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at The United States National Arboretum. This grove planting started as an eleven tree grove.

To learn more visit: www.usna.usda.gov/Gardens/collections/bonsai.html
Thanks to Kyle House for contributing information on the trees.

015_10A Mod Crop

Mame Ficus ‘too little’ 8-26-06.jpg
pot bonsai

Image by OpenEye
Here’s the same tree today. Planted in a small pot by Bryan Albright of England.

Best Shopping Sites

Goshin, Washington

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